Sunday 29 April 2018

Pakatan Harapan DAP will rely on Tsunami PHitnah to win the election and these are the reasons why

One thing about Pakatan supporters are
that they keep believing in wrong information and beliefs even though it has been repeatedly proven to be fake news.

It is because they live in a cocoon where the truth never reaches them as their supporters are too scared of posting truthful information to them. They prefer to get their news from the facebook or from Tipu graphics propaganda.

Even after many years, a lot of people still believe the following fake news from the opposition:

1. Najib took photo with Altantuya?

The photo was a fake. Tian Chua already admitted that he was the one who did that poor fake:

"Tian Chua: I won’t apologise"

2. Military-grade C4 was used to blow up Altantuya?

Again this is long-standing fake belief. It wasn't military grade. In fact, it was not even C4. It was PETN and RDX explosives commonly used in construction sites and quarries.

"The UTK (special action unit) never used C4.” We told from the beginning (of the case), it was never C4. it must have started with the newspapers", implying further repetitions of the said explosive widely reported in the media had shadowed the real explosives used to murder Altantuya.

C4 explosives not used in Altantuya’s murder

3. The Scorpene Submarine is not working and cannot dive?

Again this is fake news. If the Scorpene submarine cannot dive, Guan Eng would already be dead as he took a ride in the submarine in 2011 after being invited by Zahid Hamidi.

Penang CM spends 90 minutes on Scorpene

4, There were thousands and thousands of Bangladeshi voters during GE13 and Blackouts everywhere?

Again this is fake news. BERSIH's Pemantau unit and even DAP concluded after extensive investigations after GE13 hat there were no incidences of foreign voters or power failure at polling stations during GE13.

DAP man concurs Pemantau’s findings of no foreign voters, blackouts

Even after so many years, many Malaysians still do not know the truth above and continues to be lied to by Pakatan. Pakatan knows that after they spread their fake news, they are confident that no one from their supporters will bother or is brave enough to spread the explanation that debunks their fake news. Anyone in their groups who shares the explanation will be immediately attacked as a traitor of chowkow.

So, people only listen to one side - the fake accusation but never get to see the explanation.

Which is why Pakatan refuses to debate with people who knows the truth and they send their cybertroopers to try and discredit anyone who wants to bust their propaganda.

I bet if you were still still believing in the above for so many years without realizing these were fake news, it makes you wonder what else that Pakatan is lying to you about right now, doesn't it?

Eric See-To.

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